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ego identity中文是什么意思

用"ego identity"造句"ego identity"怎么读"ego identity" in a sentence


  • 自我同一性
  • 自我统合


  • Revision of adolescents ' ego identity status
  • A research on the ego identity status of 720 middle school students
  • Theory and research of ego identity
  • Your ego identity - signature of who you are - will be gone one day - but it still maintains its frequency - its integrity in other grid programs
  • Instruments used in this study include career exploration scale , career decision scale and the revised version of the extended objective measure of ego identity status
    本研究主要发现如下: 1 .愈投入生涯探索行动、生涯决定程度愈高的大学生,愈倾向主主认定,愈不倾向寻求认定以及认定混淆。
  • Ego identity formation is the main project in the period of . adolescence socialization . and the youth will bring about for themselves much of behavior deviated from the main current social culture in fulfillment of trial , choice and experience in the course of ego identity
  • The paper explains and supplies the ego identity theory to analyze the students ' psychological origin caused by their deviational behavior , and provides a feasible psychological basis for looking for effective student administrative tactics and guiding student psychological development
  • Ego identity formation is the main subject happening in the period of adolescence socialization , which is rooted in the local social - cultural soil , and the youth will bring about for themselves much of behavior deviated from the main current social culture in fulfillment of trial , choice and experience in course of ego identity
用"ego identity"造句  


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